As of my last update in January 2022, a vaccine called Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) was developed and licensed for use against dengue fever. Dengvaxia is a live attenuated vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur and was designed to provide some level of protection against dengue caused by all four serotypes of the virus.

However, the use of Dengvaxia has been subject to certain considerations and recommendations due to various factors:

  1. Age Group and Prior Exposure: Dengvaxia is typically recommended for individuals aged 9 to 45 years who live in endemic areas and have had a prior laboratory-confirmed dengue infection. It is not recommended for individuals who have not been previously infected with the dengue virus.
  2. Serostatus Testing: Because the vaccine might increase the risk of severe dengue in individuals who have not been previously infected, serostatus testing (to determine previous exposure) is recommended before vaccination.
  3. Vaccine Efficacy: The vaccine’s efficacy can vary depending on factors such as the serotype and prior exposure. It has shown varying levels of protection against different serotypes, with greater protection against severe forms of dengue for individuals with prior exposure.
  4. Public Health Recommendations: Some countries have incorporated Dengvaxia into their national immunization programs, while others have implemented specific guidelines and recommendations regarding its use based on local epidemiology and risk factors.
  5. Safety Concerns: Safety concerns emerged regarding the vaccine’s use in individuals who had not been previously exposed to the virus, particularly concerning the risk of severe dengue if these individuals were later infected. This led to changes in recommendations and guidelines for its use.

It’s essential to note that vaccine recommendations, guidelines, and available vaccines might have evolved since then. Always consult healthcare professionals or local health authorities for the most up-to-date and region-specific information on dengue vaccines, including any changes in recommendations, safety updates, or availability in your area.

dengue vaccine cost
dengue vaccine cost

๐Ÿ’ฐ Dengue Vaccine Cost:

The cost of the dengue vaccine can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the specific vaccine brand, the country or region where it is administered, local healthcare policies, and whether it’s part of a government-sponsored immunization program.

As of my last update in January 2022, the Dengvaxia vaccine, developed by Sanofi Pasteur, was one of the available dengue vaccines. The cost of this vaccine varied across different regions and countries. In some areas where the vaccine was included in national immunization programs or provided through subsidized healthcare, it might have been available at a lower cost or even free of charge for eligible individuals.

In other instances, where the vaccine wasn’t part of a public health program and individuals sought vaccination through private healthcare providers or clinics, the cost could be higher and might include administration fees in addition to the vaccine cost itself.

It’s important to note that vaccine prices and availability can change over time due to factors such as production, supply, demand, and negotiations between manufacturers and healthcare providers or governments. For the most accurate and current information regarding the cost and availability of the dengue vaccine in your area, it’s best to inquire directly with local healthcare providers, clinics, or public health departments. They can provide details about vaccine availability, pricing, and any financial assistance or insurance coverage options available for vaccination.

Dengue Vaccine Age
Dengue Vaccine Age

โญ• Dengue Vaccine Age:

The recommended age for the dengue vaccine can vary depending on the specific vaccine and the region where it’s administered. As of my last update in January 2022, Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV), developed by Sanofi Pasteur, was one of the available dengue vaccines, and its recommended age range varied based on guidelines and approvals in different countries.

Generally, the age range for Dengvaxia vaccination was typically between 9 and 45 years old for individuals living in endemic areas and who had a laboratory-confirmed previous dengue infection. The vaccine was not recommended for individuals who had not been previously infected with the dengue virus due to safety considerations.

The reason for this age range and prior exposure requirement was related to concerns about the vaccine potentially increasing the risk of severe dengue in individuals who had not previously been exposed to the virus.

It’s essential to consider that recommendations for vaccine use, including age groups, may evolve over time based on ongoing research, changes in epidemiology, and new clinical data. Always consult healthcare professionals or local health authorities for the most up-to-date and region-specific information regarding dengue vaccine eligibility, including any changes in age recommendations or other guidelines for vaccination.


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